Colorectal Cancer

Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery

Less Invasive Method for Colon and Rectal Cancer in Kochi, Kerala

Many scientific studies and registries state that in the last 5 to 10 years we have witnessed drastic growth in cases of colon and rectal cancer. It is true that there is a gross increase in the number of new cases of colorectal cancer Nationwide, particularly in Kerala. Similar high incidence is reported in North-Eastern states as well. It is seen throughout major hospitals in the state too. It is difficult to estimate the actual increase in percentage due to a lack of audited data. Apparently, the case numbers are more by 20-25%. The incidence of colorectal cancer in Kerala is about 5.5/ 100,000 and recent PCBR data in 2015 (unpublished ) is 9.4%. Figures may change, only when we have the best colon and rectal cancer surgery Kochi.

What are the signs and symptoms of colon & rectal cancer?

  •  A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhoea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool, that lasts longer than four weeks.
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool often missed with mucus.
  • Persistent abdominal discomforts, such as cramps, gas or pain.
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn’t empty completely, thin stools.
  • Weakness or fatigue.
  • Unexplained weight loss.

What steps should a patient take to identify the symptoms themselves?

Any recent change in bowel habits, blood in stools for a long time, blood mixed with mucus, feeling of incomplete evacuation, anaemia and weight loss should be investigated first for identification of colorectal cancer. The best investigation would be a colonoscopy from us.

What are the tests done for colon malignancy before treatment?

Colonoscopy with biopsy is the test for confirmation. Colonic polyps can be removed with a colonoscopy. A CT scan and or MRI scan and certain blood test are essential for planning surgery. A PET scan is done selectively.

How do we treat colon cancer?

Once diagnosed and if it is confirmed to colon or operable, radical surgery is the treatment of choice. A tumour with all draining nodes is taken out. Most colon cancers can be treated with laparoscopy in Kochi. Benefits of laparoscopic colectomy or colon and rectal cancer surgery in Kochi are early recovery, less pain, less blood loss and early return of bowel function. It is well proven in many large studies that the results of laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer are equal to that of open surgery in short and long-term.

What is the best treatment for rectal cancer?

Rectal or rectosigmoid cancers are malignancy involving the last portion of the large intestine. They present with rectal bleed or altered bowel habits. If diagnosed sufficiently early, rectal and rectosigmoid cancer can be treated with laparoscopy or keyhole surgery in Kochi as well. In locally bulky or slightly advanced rectal cancers, chemoradiation therapy is given before surgery. Laparoscopic anterior resection surgery provides radical surgery for rectal cancer with total mesorectal excision. Few patients with low rectal cancer may require a temporary colostomy for a few weeks along with laparoscopic low anterior resection. Robotic surgery for rectal cancer also is a very effective method for treatment of carcinoma rectum. With robotic surgery, very low rectal cancers can be removed safely. If the lesion is involving anal canal or anal sphincters, laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection surgery (Lap APER) may be required.

What are the results of surgery in colorectal cancer?

The long-term results of the colon or rectal cancer depend upon the stage of the disease.

Depending upon the stage of the disease patient may require postoperative chemotherapy or chemoradiation therapy. In general, the results of laparoscopic colectomy surgery in Kochi are very good and a significant proportion of patients get long-term cure. Since a team of highly qualified doctors and medical staff members followed by expert surgeon Dr. K Prakash ensures you a 100% success with any colon cancer or rectal tumor removal surgery.

If you are looking for a safe and advanced treatment for any form of colorectal cancer, feel free to contact us at 91 97455 44493.

Schedule an appointment now!

Bariatric / Obesity Surgery

Bariatric Surgery for weight loss

What is Obesity? What are the health hazards because of obesity?

Obesity means having excess body fat in relation to one’s height and weight. Obesity generally is determined by calculating body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by the weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

* Among Asian Indians, the recommended BMI for obesity surgery is >32.5 with co=morbid illnesses and >37.5 in Obese individuals. (Consensus Statement for diagnosis and treatment of Obesity, JAPI, Vol.57, February 2009.
National Institutes of Health and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults—the evidence report. Obes Res 1998;6(suppl 2):1S-209S. BMI index clearly notifies, when you meet your doctor for Bariatric Obesity Surgery in Kerala.

Health hazards of morbid obesity.

Severe obesity damages the body by its mechanical, metabolic and physiological adverse effects on normal bodily function. These “co-morbidities” affect nearly every organ in the body in some way and produce serious secondary illnesses, which may also be life-threatening. The following are the excess risk of associated illnesses related to obesity.

With BMI > 30 there is a 55% increase in mortality, a 70% increase in coronary artery disease, a 75% increase in stroke and a 40% increase in diabetes. So, morbidly obese males between 25 and 35 have 12x the chance of dying as normal weight men. A morbidly obese adult has a 33% less chance of living to age 65 as that of a normal weight person. That is the reason why weight loss surgery has great relevance in treating the excess weight and cures/ improves most of these medical conditions along with weight loss.

What is Bariatric surgery? How is it different from liposuction?

Bariatric surgery involves surgical methods to restrict or to reduce the absorption of food from the stomach and intestine. This is not cosmetic surgery. This procedure results in an overall reduction in body weight and helps to improve associated medical disorders of excess body weight. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery wherein part of body fat is removed using high power suction, which usually does not produce any sustained weight loss.

Is weight loss surgery right for everyone?

The short answer is no. Surgery is not a solution for everyone. We only determine whether a patient is right for weight loss surgery after a complete evaluation and discussion with the patient. Because weight loss surgery is a life-altering procedure, we want to make sure our patients are committed to making the lifestyle changes needed for a successful procedure.

How much exercise should one do for a good weight loss?

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Moderate aerobic exercise includes such activities as brisk walking or swimming. Vigorous aerobic exercise includes such activities as running and aerobic exercises. Because 3,500 calories equal about 0.45 kilogram of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose .045 Kg. So one need to plan out the caloric intake and do regular exercises to have good weight loss. Having Bariatric Obesity Surgery in Kerala is great for keeping the body fat in control. Here is a chart to have an idea of how much weight loss you can achieve with diet and exercises.

Who should undergo this procedure?

As the first line of treatment diet and exercises should be tried. Patients who had a trial of diet, regular exercise and probably drugs and failed to have a sustained weight loss must think about this surgery. Among Asian Indians, the recommended BMI for obesity surgery is >32.5 with co=morbid illnesses and >37.5 in Obese individuals. (Consensus Statement for diagnosis and treatment of Obesity, JAPI, Vol.57, February 2009.

How effective is weight-loss surgery in Kerala? What are the benefits and is the effect long term?

These procedures help in reducing 50-85% excess body weight. The amount of weight you lose — and how fast you lose it — depending on which weight loss surgery you have. The amount of weight loss varies depending on the type of procedure chosen (usually done by the doctor). Along with weight loss, most of the medical co-morbidities improve which in turn improves patient’s self-esteem and confidence. Some of the important benefits are Diabetes mellitus Type II in these patients improves and a vast majority of them become completely normal blood sugar levels normal after surgery. Hypertension & high cholesterol improves significantly. These effects along with good amount of weight loss reduce the risk for heart disease significantly. There is a good relief for sleep problems, apnoea and acid reflux symptoms. As the body weight comes down body pain and joint arthritis improves very well. Overall improvement in the sense of well being and self-esteem. The effect of these procedures is long-term in terms of weight loss and improvement of co-morbidities if the patient adheres to the follow-up advice of the doctor.

What are the different types of Bariatric Surgery Procedures?

All these procedures are done laparoscopically.

1. Sleeve Gastrectomy: In this procedure, the stomach is converted to a long tube-like structure to reduce its capacity. This is a less complex operation and produces about 60-68% weight loss.

2. Adjustable Gastric Banding: In this procedure, a ring-like band is placed around the stomach to convert initial part of the stomach to a small pouch. No part of the stomach is removed in this procedure and probably that is the disadvantage of this procedure as it produces about 50-55% of excess bodyweight-loss only.

3. Roux-en-Gastric Bypass (RYGB) procedure: Here the stomach is stapled to convert it to a small pouch and this helps in restricting food intake. Further, a segment of intestine is bypassed from the food stream so that nutrients are exposed to a less absorptive surface of the small intestine. So this is a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure, which results in 65-75% of excess weight-loss.

How safe is bariatric surgery?

This bariatric obesity surgery in Kerala is very well established now and thousands of these procedures are being done worldwide. In expert hand and in centers with good facilities the mortality risk of these procedures is estimated as 0.3 per 100 procedures.

Should I need plastic surgery after bariatric surgery?

After having any form of bariatric surgery in Kerala your body will undergo a dramatic transformation as a large amount of weight is lost. This weight loss is obviously the desired outcome with any weight loss surgery but a side effect of a large rapid weight loss is the potential to have large amounts of excess skin. Skin does have some elasticity to it and will recoil or bounce-back when weight is lost. However, when a large amount of weight is lost in a short period of time it is much more difficult for all the skin to bounce back so that there is no excess. This is when the patient must consider the option of plastic surgery to remove this excess skin.

Can I become pregnant after weight loss surgery?

Women should avoid pregnancy for at least 18 months after surgery. Please discuss any pregnancy plans with your surgeon during one of your clinic appointments.

 What about medicines and follow up?

After bariatric or weight loss surgery one need to have multivitamins, calcium tablets etc. if necessary as per the situation. You may need to observe some diet restrictions too for long-term effects of the procedure and in the initial few months you require follow up.
This is all about the bariatric or weight loss surgery in Kerala or anywhere else. Bariatric surgery is best for easy weight loss for patients with higher BMI index than normal. You should not take it casually, as the aftermaths will be dangerous. Please contact the veteran of laparoscopic surgery in Kerala – Dr. K Prakash, if you wish to remove additional fat from the body and lead a normal healthy living.

Ask for an appointment now only! Call us on 91 97455 44493.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease can sometimes cause life-threatening complications.
Crohn’s disease can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weight loss, anaemia and fatigue. Some people may be symptom free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never go away.

Scientists believe that Crohn’s disease is caused by a combination of these factors:

  • Immune system problems
  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors
Crohn’s disease cannot be cured. Medications such as steroids and immunosuppressants are used to slow the progression of disease. If these aren’t effective, a patient may require surgery. Additionally, patients with Crohn’s disease may need to receive regular screening for colorectal cancer due to increased risk.

Abdominal Hernias

Laparoscopic Treatment for Hernia in Kochi, Kerala

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a bulge caused by tissue pushing through the wall of muscle that’s holding it in. Due to the stretching of tissues as the contents come out, it might cause pain and a bulge. If the neck of the hernia is small the contents can get obstructed (obstructed hernia) or even might lose its blood supply resulting in a strangulated hernia.

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. The most common hernias are inguinal (inner groin), incisional (resulting from an incision), femoral (outer groin), umbilical (belly button), etc. Because of its chance for developing symptoms and or complications like irreducible hernia or strangulated hernia, surgery from Dr. K Prakash is recommended. Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi or keyhole- method is one of the best and simplest methods to get hernia cured without any stress.

In the current day practice more and more hernia, be it inguinal, umbilical, para-umbilical or incisional type; surgery is being done with the laparoscopic method. The long-term results of Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi in preventing recurrence is similar to that to open method.

Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment:

A number of studies have shown laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias to have advantages over conventional open repair, including the following 

  • Reduced postoperative pain
  • Diminished requirement for narcotics
  • Earlier return to work

Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi has some disadvantages as well, including the following:

  • Increased cost
  • Lengthier operation
  • Steeper learning curve

The term laparoscopic hernia surgery can refer to any of the following techniques:

  • Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair
  • Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair
  • Intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) repair
  • Laparoscopic component separation techniques like e-TEP and TAR surgeries.

Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair and Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair are procedures for inguinal or groin hernias. In the Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi first the hernia sac is identified laparoscopically, contents of the sac are reduced back to the abdomen and a polypropylene mesh is deployed wide enough to cover the weak area to strengthen the area. This technique is applied for the treatment of recurrent inguinal hernias as well as following an open surgery very successfully. This allows quick recovery after surgery as the pain is minimal after a couple of days.

Intraperitoneal Onlay mesh (IPOM) repair is sued for umbilical, paraumbilical or incisional hernias. Here a special coated or composite mesh is deployed through laparoscope and defect is repaired from within the abdomen using this mesh to achieve a wide coverage of the hernia defect.

Laparoscopic component separation techniques like e-TEP and TAR surgeries are techniques for larger hernias or recurrent complex incisional hernias. Here the hernia sacs are identified and muscles are separated to create a wide space in between posterior rectus sheath, transverses abdominal muscle and peritoneum and subsequently, a wide polypropylene mesh is deployed to cover the entire defect. This method is very effective for large and long-standing recurrent hernias.

At Aster Medcity, the leading laparoscopic surgeon Dr. K Prakash provides a complete solution for hernia, cancer, obesity and more. We are the best at Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi and committed to results. You can find us safe and reliable; go through the previous patient reviews and testimonials.

Schedule an appointment to meet with the doctors and discuss. Call 91 97455 44493!

Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Treat gallbladder, hernias, colon cancer & gastric sleeve resections for obese patients with the single incision laparoscopic surgery in Kerela from Dr. K Prakash. He is a veteran laparoscopic gastro surgeon who operated a number of patients till date. Single-incision laparoscopic surgery is a section, he has already mastered in.

With over years of experience and hands-on expertise, Dr. K Prakash made SILS an ideal solution for removal of tumors, cancer, fat, gastrointestinal problems and different types of abdominal surgery with less pain. SILS surgery leaves no scars on the body after the surgery. Above all, the added advantage of a quick recovery and early discharge made it a favorite among youngsters, particularly females due to the absence of postoperative scarring. SILS is the most advanced form of surgeries we provide to our patients. It’s safe, targeted and 100% cost-effective to any other forms of surgeries you know.

We provide the advanced SILS procedure only, which is gaining more popularity day by day. If you talk about traditional laparoscopy, doctors need to do a number of cuts or incision to locate and do the operation. However, SILS requires only one incision/cut, which significantly reduces pain and expedites the recovery process. SILS is cosmetically more effective than conventional laparoscopic surgeries.

Aster Medcity is the only hospital in Kerala to offer single-incision laparoscopic surgery with 100% successful results.

About SILS

This is a new evolving innovation in the field of laparoscopic surgery wherein entire surgery is carried out through a 2.5 cm incision and a port introduced through the umbilicus. In single port surgery of SILS approach special angled instruments are used. The main benefit of single incision laparoscopic surgery is cosmetic and to an extent less pain. Almost all procedures like surgery for gall bladder, hernias, colon and rectal cancer treatment and bariatric obesity surgery in Kerala are done very effectively using the SILS approach. For young patients Single incision approach provides surgery with virtually no scar.

Benefit with Us

Our laparoscopic surgeries are invented to serve mankind. We are a highly professional team of surgeons and medical experts, with 20+ years of experience in laparoscopic surgeries in Kochi, Kerala. Our care unit offers the best medical facilities, you have experienced ever. The senior laparoscopic surgeon Dr, K Prakash bears an acclaimed profile, he has been certified and awarded for providing an outstanding contribution in the field of medical science. Getting treated at Aster Medcity gives complete peace of mind and satisfaction. We provide you the safest, less invasive and highly targeted solution for all types of abdominal surgeries.

If you are seeking for the best single incision laparoscopic surgeon in India, kindly fill up the consultation form available in the contact us page. Schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. K Prakash. You will be provided with thorough analysis, suggestions and best treatment in Kochi, Kerala here.

Give us a call for an appointment, we are available at +91 97455 44493!

What is Robotic Surgery?

Robotic surgery is the latest evolution of minimally invasive surgical procedures wherein surgeon uses da Vinci Robotic Surgical System for precise surgery. During surgery, three or four robotic arms are inserted into the patient though small incisions in the abdomen. One arm is a camera, two act as the surgeon’s hands and a fourth arm may be used to move obstructions out of the way. Patients are surrounded by a complete surgical team, while the surgeon is seated at a nearby console. The surgeon uses a viewfinder which provides a three-dimensional image of the surgical field, and the surgeon’s hands are placed on special devices that direct the instruments. The robotic arms filter out any tremors in the physician’s hands and increase the physician’s range of motion. This enhanced precision is especially helpful to the surgeon during especially delicate portions of procedures.

Patient Benefits

Due to small incisions, less trauma to the body and greater surgeon precision, robotic surgery provides the following benefits over traditional open procedures including:

  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less blood loss
  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications, including less risk of infection
  • Faster return to normal activities

For surgeons, robotic surgery is more precise due to better visualization of the surgical field, correction for tremors in hand movements and greater manoeuvrability of instruments. Watch the video below to understand more about the da Vinci robot.

HIPEC treatment has started at Aster Medcity

HIPEC treatment offers good relief for patients with low grade mucinous tumours even if it is disseminated.Surgical removal followed by heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy is an effective option for such patients who have only limited options after multiple systemic chemotherapy. People travel to Mumbai and Bangalore to get it done and pay hugely. Now the same treatment is made available at our department at affordable cost. Preliminary results are quite encouraging.


Liver & Pancreas surgery

Pancreatic Cancer Surgery in Kerala

There are only a few centers in Kerala where surgery for Liver tumours, Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin’s Tumour), Pancreatic cancer, periampullary carcinoma etc. are being successfully undertaken. My unit is equipped with most modern facilities and equipment like Ultrasonic Dissector for liver resection from Stryker, Gen X system of Harmonic scalpel and Enseal of Ethicon , Force Triad-Ligasure vessel sealing system of Covidien, Intraoperative Ultrasound from Aloka, Argon Plasma Coagulator from Erbe, Digital Fluoroscopy of Siemens, Radiofrequency ablation system and Thromboelastograph for successful conduct of such major surgeries like pancreatic cancer surgery Kerala.

Hepatic resection:

Hepatic/liver resections are done commonly for liver tumours. It requires good preoperative planning, meticulous surgery and intensive postoperative care for good results the following hepatectomy. The following procedures are done regularly in our hospital with intensive care.

  • Right and left hepatectomy.
  • Parenchyma –conserving liver resection.
  • Surgery for Kalatskin tumour.
  • Radical cholecystectomy for carcinoma gall bladder surgery for choledochal cyst (often done laparoscopically).



Pancreatic surgery:

Having a pancreatic cancer surgery in Kerala requires thorough planning and execution of surgery and meticulous postoperative care.

  • Whipple’s pancreaticoduodenectomy for carcinoma pancreas and periampullary carcinoma.
  • Lateral Pancreatojejunostomy, Head-Coring with LPJ for chronic pancreatitis.
  • Distal pancreatectomy (often done laparoscopically).
  • Median pancreatectomy Pancreatic necrosectomy and Whipples surgery for pseudocyst (often done laparoscopically).



Dr. K Prakash is a well-known laparoscopic surgeon. He has been providing impeccable results till date, pancreatic cancer surgery Kerala is the extension of the services he provides. Anyone looking for pancreatic cancer treatment or liver tumor surgery or whipples surgery for periampullary carcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma can get treatment facility here. From detection to surgery, medication to follow-ups; we take complete care of every patient individually.

Call us at 91 97455 44493 to schedule an appointment today!

Colon and rectal cancer and laparoscopic colorectal surgery

Many scientific studies and registries state that in the last 5 to 10 years we have witnessed drastic growth in cases of colon and rectal cancer. It is true that there is gross increase in the number of new cases of colorectal cancer Nationwide particularly in Kerala. It has been observed from a study among private hospitals in Kochi, Kerala that the number of patients siffering from clon and rectal cancer has increased 3-4 fold over last 2 decades. Similar high incidence is reported in North-Eastern states as well. It is difficult to estimate the actual increase in percentage due to lack of audited data. The incidence of colorectal cancer in Kerala is about 5.5/ 100,000 and recent PCBR data in 2015 (unpublished ) is 9.4%.

Signs and symptoms of colon & rectal cancer include:

  • A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool, that lasts longer than four weeks
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool often missed with mucus
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn’t empty completely, thin stools
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss


  1. What are the tests for colon malignancy before treatment?

Colonoscopy with biopsy is the test for confirmation. Colonic polyps can be removed with colonoscopy. A CT scan and or MRI scan and certain blood test are essential for planning surgery. A PET scan is done selectively.


  1. How do we treat colon cancer?

Once diagnosed and if it is confined to colon or operable, radical surgery is the treatment of choice. Hemicolectomy, transverse colectomy, extended colectomy of subtotal colectomy are the procedures done depending upon the site and nature of the cancer. Most often these procedures are done by laparoscopy or by robotic surgery. Tumour with all draining nodes are taken out. Most colon cancers can be treated with laparoscopy or key hole surgery. Benefits of laparoscopic colonic surgery are early recovery, less pain, less blood loss and early return of bowel function. It is well proven in many large studies that the results of laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer is equal to that of open surgery in short and long term. Robotic surgery is another excellent precise way to remove colon cancer very effectively. Aster Medcity is a referral center for forms of laparoscopic and robotic colon cancer surgery and has excellent results.

  1. What is the treatment for rectal cancer?

Rectal or rectosigmoid cancers are malignancy involving last portion of large intestine. They present with rectal bleed or altered bowel habits. If diagnosed sufficiently early, rectal and rectosigmoid cancer can be treated with laparoscopy or key hole surgery as well. In locally bulky or slightly advanced rectal cancers, chemoradiation therapy is given before surgery. For lower sigmoid or rectosigmoid cancer laparoscopic high anterior resection is offered. Laparoscopic low anterior resection surgery provides radical surgery for rectal cancer with total mesorectal excision. Few patients with low rectal cancer may require a temporary colostomy for few weeks along with laparoscopic low anterior resection. Robotic surgery for rectal cancer also is a very effective method for treatment of carcinoma rectum. With robotic surgery very low rectal cancers can be removed safely. If the lesion is involving anal canal or anal sphincters, laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection surgery (Lap APER) may be required. Laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery is now proven to have equivalent results compared to open surgery and offers advantage of early recovery.

  1. What are the results of surgery in colorectal cancer?


The long term results of colon or rectal cancer depends upon the stage of the disease. In general, colorectal cancer responds to treatment very well and good proportion of patients have favourable outome. Depending upon the stage of the disease patient may require postoperative chemotherapy or chemoradiation therapy. In general, the results of laparoscopic surgery for colon and rectal cancer is very good and a significant proportion of patients get long term cure.


Morbid obesity and Bariatric surgery

Key Hole Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery for Weight Loss

The prevalence of morbid obesity in the Indian population, particularly in Kerala obesity is rising, bringing with it increased levels of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and early mortality. A sample survey conducted among school children in Kochi, Kerala has shown alarming results with more than a third of children are overweight and half of them are obese. So, finding a treatment or solution is a necessary thing.

Morbid obesity is associated with twice the mortality compared with the general population and with other conditions such as hypertension and type II diabetes, as well as increased levels of psychiatric illness. Many of the co-morbidities listed in the box result from the metabolic effects of obesity. The so‐called “metabolic syndrome” becomes more common with rising BMI, and carries a threefold increase in cardiovascular morbidity. Further, non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease is present in 90% of liver biopsy specimens taken during bariatric surgery.

All these facts and figures urge for a safe and reliable solution like a keyhole sleeve gastrectomy provided at Astra Medcity Kochi Kerala.

Treatment options for morbid obesity

A number of weight loss operations have been devised over the last 40-50 years. The three main treatment options for morbid obesity are a lifestyle change, pharmacotherapy and surgery. Lifestyle change should involve restriction of calorie intake with an increase in exercise so that moderate weight loss can occur in the short term. However, the effects of these weight loss measures are not sustainable in the long term with 66%-90% of them regain weight after cessation of treatment. Best is going through a keyhole sleeve gastrectomy or laparoscopic surgery to bring the increased BMI index to normal condition.


Bariatric surgery indicates a set of surgical procedures on the gastrointestinal tract originally designed to reduce intake and/or absorption of nutrients by reducing the stomach’s size or bypassing a part of the small intestine, or by a combination of the above. Bariatric surgery offers the only means of delivering sustained weight loss. Comorbidity resolution after bariatric surgery occurs in 75–90% of cases, particularly for insulin resistance, hypertension and respiratory disorders. The number of bariatric procedures performed worldwide has increased considerably over the past few years for weight loss.

Laparoscopic or keyhole sleeve gastrectomy is the simplest form of surgery for overweight or morbidly obese patients. In this keyhole surgery, the stomach size is restricted to reduce food intake. Sleeve gastrectomy has no or minimal long term nutritional consequences. Weight loss following sleeve gastrectomy is maximum in the first 3 months and continues up to 1-year post laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. This surgery can be done by single incision bariatric surgery method as well. About 60 5 excess body weight is lost following this bariatric surgery- laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

The Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) is another most common bariatric surgery done for morbidly obese patients after the keyhole sleeve gastrectomy. This effectively reduces the size of the meal that the patient is able to ingest. Additionally, the bypass causes some degree of malabsorption. Gastric bypass achieves excellent initial weight reduction, with a mean EWL of nearly 70% at 1 year. Gastric bypass is also effective in the treatment of “super” obese patients with a BMI of ⩾60 kg/m.

Laparoscopic Minigastric bypass is a new development is the laparoscopic mini‐gastric bypass procedure, a modification of the older loop gastrojejunostomy. Mini gastric bypass a technically simpler modification of Roux Y Gastric bypass. Laparoscopic mini‐gastric bypass procedure has been shown to achieve EWL of >70% at 2 years, equivalent to RYGBP but long‐term data are not yet available. It is a simpler and easier laparoscopic procedure to perform than RYGBP; however, long‐term data are still needed to determine whether it can match RYGBP in terms of sustained weight reduction, and also whether there is an increased incidence of long‐term complications such as biliary reflux, marginal ulceration and reflux oesophagitis.

Bariatric surgery can effectively contrast such physiologic, compensatory changes and therefore results in greater and more durable weight loss than any other weight reduction therapy. All these surgeries for weight loss are being done at our hospital at Kochi Kerala under the guidance of veteran laparoscopic surgeon Dr. K Prakash. Ask for Laparoscopic weight loss surgery or the keyhole sleeve gastrectomy from us, it’s now affordable and sage.

Call us on 91 97455 44493 to Schedule an Appointment Today!