Lose Your Weight with Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

Increasing body weight is a significant concern for the majority of people. Hectic lifestyle has given birth to many health complications proving fatal for their life. A high level of fat in the body leads to cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, and other health complications. The root cause of these complications is the presence of excess fat in the body.

People can lose weight by following some strict diet plans by joining fat loss programs by doing cardio and strength exercises. Even after following this pattern, many people are not able to lose weight and get their bodies in good shape. The best solution to the problem is to undergo weight loss surgery. This technique is known as Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

Losing weight with the help of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Weight loss surgery is one of the best ways to lose weight and get your body in the right shape. But the option for surgery is considered as the last option to lose weight. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical process that is performed on patients with severe obesity, or they are suffering from other types of severe obesity-related conditions.

Over the years, the medical sciences have evolved with the latest developments in dealing with weight loss surgery. These techniques help to save the life of the patients and reduce the complication after surgery. There are three types of treatment available to get rid of excess fat. These treatments are lifestyle change, pharmacotherapy, and surgery.

A lifestyle change involves the restriction of food intake, with an increase in physical activity. But a majority of people regain their weight after a certain time. Among all three surgery is the best option to lose weight. With the help of this surgery, it will help you bring the increased BMI to the normal condition. In other words, it is also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

During surgery, the size of the stomach is restricted to reduce food intake. As there are no minimal nutritional requirements, the surgery is carried out with the help of single incision bariatric surgery. After surgery, various medical conditions are followed depending on the conditions of the patient.

The Bottom Line 

This technique in medical science has proved as a boon for the people suffering from excess weight. With years of experience, Dr. K Prakash has got a good track record in treating patients with obesity. He carried out numerous Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgeries with precision and high success rate. The latest tools, techniques made the surgery even safer for the patients.                          

For appointment please contact +91 97455 44493 or +91 484 257 6977

For details, please write to us on kdrprakash@gmail.com or speak to us on +91 94473 02588.

What are the Clinical Features and Treatments for Hiatus Hernia & Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

The esophagus is the most important part of the human body,whichhelps in the movement of food from the mouth to the stomach. It is also known as a food pipe that runs through the chest and tight opening in the diaphragm. Hiatus is that tight opening in the diaphragm.

As the esophagus enters the stomach, muscle valve contracts to seal the stomach, forming the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES opens and allows the food passage to the stomach and then closes quickly. Once it’s closed, it remains in the closed position, which prevents food or acid within the abdomen from refluxing back up into the esophagus. This type of medical condition gives birth to very know complications, the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, which, when treated, needs an expert on your side.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD occurs when stomach acid and enzymes flow back into the esophagusdue to weak muscles of LES. The returning of the acid and enzymes irritates and damages the lining of the esophagus, making it difficult for the patients.

The Symptoms of GERD are listed below:-

(1.) Chest pain

(2.) Difficulty in Swallowing

(3.) Burning sensation in the chest (heartburn) partially with spicy food

(4.)A sensation of a lump in your throat

(5.)Regurgitation of food or reflux of liquid food contents

(6.) Recurrent cough, change in voice


What is Hiatus Hernia?

The esophagus passes through the diaphragm,and the phrenoesophagealmembrane seals space, maintaining the aperture in the diaphragm enough to pass the food pipe.

In some patients, the opening of the diaphragm is wider than usual, which allows the esophagus herniate from its normal position and permitting the lower esophagus. The upper part of the stomach is displaced upwards through the enlarged opening, producing a complication called hiatus hernia. 

In most cases, a portion of the stomachregularly moves up and down through the hiatus, producing a sliding hiatus hernia, thereby causing the reflux of food acid and digestive enzymes to come up and damage the esophageal lining.

What are the Symptoms?

(1.) Laryngitis, change in voice, coughing, new-onset asthma.

(2.) Bad breath and bitter taste,

(3.) Persistent heartburn

(4.) Food regurgitating into the mouth and sometimes through the nose

Precautions for GERD and Hiatus Hernia

In the beginning phase of the treatment the patients need to make some minor changes in their lifestyle along with proper medications:-

(1.)Avoid spicy food, Consume small, more frequent meals lessens the degree of damage

(2.)While sleeping, adjust the head of the bed by six inches, to decrease pressure on the diaphragm. It will help you maintain an average weight.

(3.)After the meal,the patient should avoid lying down and avoid eating within two to three hours of bedtime.

(4.)Medications like H2receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors.

(5.)Smoking cessation is also important for reducing hiatus hernia symptoms.

Surgery for
GERD and Hiatus Hernia: Laparoscopic Fundoplication

In the case of both medical conditions, surgery is the best option that provides a potential cure for the patients suffering from Hiatus Hernia; otherwise, the patients need to depend on lifetime medication. Medications and lifestyle changes help to decrease the reflux or minimize the adverse effects. For example, the mucosal damage is less for patients with PPIs, but the reflux process continues. However, in surgery, the reflux process is averted, and normal physiological functions are restored.

Based on the symptom and severity of the complication and intolerance to prolonged medications and its side effects, the fundoplication surgery is advised. There is potential lifetime medication as well as associated side effects of PPI and hence, this surgery is offered early for younger patients..

Almost for all cases, the surgery is performed with a laparoscopic approach. The esophagus is dissected to bring it back to the normal position. Apart from that, if diaphragmatic hiatus is repaired to normal size and part of the stomach is mobilized to do a wrap that acts like a valve or sphincter preventing further reflux. Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication or Toupet fundoplication are techniques with long term results and very minimal complications. Recovery time after laparoscopic fundoplication for hiatus hernia is short and patient needs to be in hospital for 3-4 days.

If Hiatus Hernia and GERD is what you are concerned about, then you can consult Dr. Prakash to provide the best treatment for these types of the medical condition and the details of laparoscopic fundoplication.

For details, write to us on kdrprakash@gmail.com or speak to us on +91 94473 02588.

For appointment please contact +91 97455 44493 or+91 484 257 6977