Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi

With technological advancement in every field that ensures human comfort, we have moved to a sophisticated living in terms of our health and lifestyle. We get confronted with one or the other disease that cater to our living habits in the long run. One such dreading health condition is Hernia. Hernia operations are the most common health operations that get performed today. Approximately three million hernia procedures get performed worldwide; among them, about 1.2 million hernia repair procedures are performed alone in the U.S. every year. With these statistics defining the Hernia treatment worldwide, India also caters to a significant share in this domain. Let us delve more into the detailed knowledge over the various aspects of Hernia Treatment in Kochi.

What is Hernia?

  • A hernia is a bulge that gets caused by a tissue pushing through the wall of any muscle that holds it.
  • Due to the stretching of tissues, the contents come out, and it might result in pain and a bulge. If the neck of the Hernia is small, the contents can get obstructed (obstructed Hernia) or even might lose its blood supply resulting in a strangulated hernia.
  • A hernia occurs when a fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or the connective tissue known as fascia.
  • In adults, overweight people or women who had multiple pregnancies are more likely to develop hernias.

Treatment of Hernia

A hernia does not get a cure on its own. Laparoscopic surgery is recommended for its treatment worldwide. Surgery is essential to cure Hernia because the disease indicates progression to tissue strangulation at any time.

Several studies have shown laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias to have advantages over conventional open repair, namely:

  • Reduced postoperative pain
  • Diminished requirement for narcotics
  • Earlier return to work

What is Laparoscopic hernia surgery?

The term laparoscopic hernia surgery can refer to any of the following techniques:

  • Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair
  • Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair
  • Intraperitoneal Onlay mesh (IPOM) repair
  • Laparoscopic component separation techniques like e-TEP and TAR surgeries.

Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair and Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair are procedures for inguinal hernias. In the Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi, first, the hernia sac is identified laparoscopically, contents of the cyst gets reduced back to the abdomen, and a polypropylene mesh is deployed wide enough to cover the weak area to strengthen the area. This technique is incorporated for the treatment of recurrent inguinal hernias as well as following an open surgery very successfully. It accounts for a quick recovery after the surgery as the pain gets reduced after a couple of days.

Get Treated in Kochi

At Aster Medcity, the leading laparoscopic surgeon Dr K Prakash provides a complete solution for Hernia. We are the best at Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi and committed to produce optimistic results.

We have the best team of doctors under the guidance of Dr K Prakash, a renowned laparoscopic surgeon. It has a chance for developing symptoms and or complications like irreducible Hernia or strangulated Hernia. So surgery from Dr K Prakash is highly recommended. Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment in Kochi or keyhole- method is one of the best and simplest ways to get Hernia cured without any stress.

Please schedule an appointment now to meet with the doctors and discuss them. Call +91 97455 44493!