KOCHI: An innovative single incision laparoscopic gastrectomy surgery was successfully performed at Aster Medcity recently. The single incision laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy was a successful demonstration of the latest surgical technique.

The surgery was performed by Dr Prakash K, Lead Senior Consultant, GI & HPB Surgery at Aster Medcity.

“The ideal surgery is one which leaves no scars, causes minimal pain and allows the patient to make a fast recovery. While conventional laparoscopy requires the surgeon to make multiple incisions, this new evolving innovative method of surgery allows the surgeon to perform the entire surgery through a 2.5cm wide incision made in the umbilical fold. All surgical instruments are placed through this small incision. Since the scar is in the umbilicus, it is not visible once it is healed, thus giving an excellent cosmetic result,” he said.

The surgery was performed on a 28-year-old woman, who had a body mass index(BMI)of 51.9, when her BMI should have been a healthy 25.

“Invisible scar, less pain, quick recovery and early discharge from hospital are the advantages of single incision laparoscopic surgery,” said the doctors.
