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- Primary tuberculous stricture of the oesophagus mimicking carcimona. Prakash. K Kuruvilla, V Lekha, AVenugopal, G Jacob, H Ramesh. Tropical Gastroenterology. 10.: 2001;22(3):143-144.
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- Reconstruction of portal vein using hepatic vein patch graft after combined hepatectomy and portal vein resection. Prakash K, Regimbeau JM, Belghiti J. Am J Surg 2003 Mar;185(3):230-1.
- A high short-term survival justify extended resection for hepatocellular carcinoma with majorportal vein involvement. Prakash K, Regimbeau JM, Farges O, Sauvanet A, Belghiti J. J GastrointestSurg 2003 Feb;7(2):282.
- Port-site Tuberculosis after laparoscopy. Ramesh H, Prakash K,Lekha V, Jacob G, Venugopal A, Venugopal B. SurgEndosc 2003 Mar 7.
- Resection of hepatocellular carcinoma prior to liver transplantation. Lesurtel M, Prakash K, Regimbeau JM, Durand F, Sommacale D, Dondero F, SauvanetA,Farges O, Valla D, Belghiti J. Presented in Journee du Francophones 2003. Gastroentérologie Clinique etBiologique 2003; 27 HS1: p A18.
- Are Some Cases of Infected Pancreatic Necrosis Treatable without Intervention? Ramesh H, Prakash K, Lekha V, Jacob G, Venugopal A: Dig Surg 2003;20:296-300 (DOI: 10.1159/000071694).
- Biliary access loops for intrahepatic stones: results of jejunoduodenal anastomosis. Ramesh H, Prakash K,Kuruvilla K, Philip M, Jacob G, Venugopal B, Lekha V, Varma D. ANZ J Surg. 2003 May;73(5):306-12.
- Resection Prior to Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Belghiti J, Cortes A,Abdalla EK, Régimbeau JM, Prakash K, Durand F, Sommacale D, Dondero F, Lesurtel M, Sauvanet A, Farges O, Kianmanesh R. Annals of Surgery 2003; 238(6):885-893.
- Multidisciplinary approach in the long-term management of intrahepatic stones: Indian experience. Prakash K, Ramesh H, Jacob G, Venugopal A, Lekha V, Varma D, Ramesh GN, AugustineP. Indian J Gastroenterol 2004; 23 (6): 209-213.
- Outcome of pancreatic ascites in patients with tropical calcific
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Prakash Kurumboor • Deepak Varma • MahendraRajan • NaduthottamPalanisami • KamleshRoshinPaulose •Ramesh Ganesh Narayanan • Mathew Philip.Indian J Gastroenterol 28:102-6. 2009.
- Laparoscopic Colonic Resection for Rectosigmoid Colonic Tumours: A Retrospective Analysis and Comparison with Open Resection. Prakash Kurumboor; Varma, Deepak; Rajan, Mahendra; Kamlesh, Naduthottam; Zacharias, Prakash; Ganesh Narayanan, Ramesh; Philip, Mathew.Indian Journal of Surgery, Volume 72, Number 4, August 2010 , pp. 318-322(5).
- IlealGanglioneuromatosis with Adenocarcinoma in a Patient with Multiple Neurofibromatosis. K. Prakash, Deepak Varma, G. N. Ramesh, Mathew Philip and PushpaMahadevan. Indian J of Surgery 2011, Volume 73, Number 5, Pages 375-376.
- Successful adoption of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: Tips for reducing learning curve. Moderator, Prakash K, Panel discussion in Laparoscopic Colorectal Summit, October 2013, Kochi India.
- Pancreatitic Ascites and Pleural Effusion: Chapter 13 by Prakash K, Pancreatitis and its complications; Intech Publishers, 2012.”http://www.intechopen.com/books/pancreatitis-treatment-and-complications””Pancreatitis: Treatment and Complications”.
- Dense calculi formation resulting in impaction of pancreatic stent: a rare complication due to an unretrieved stent. Prakash Kurumboor, Kamalesh NP, Pramil K, SyleshAikot, Prakash Zacharias, Ramesh GN, Mathew Philip. Indian J Gastroenterol 12/2012; DOI:10.1007/s12664-012-0287-.
- Large mucocele of appendix. Kamlaesh NP, Prakash K, Pramil K, Vipin IS. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2012 Apr; 31 (2):87.
- Intrahepatic rupture of empyema gall bladder. Kamalesh NP, Prakash K, Pramil K. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 07/2012; DOI:10.1007/s12664-012-0230-0.
- Malignant paraganglioma of the bile duct: a case report. Tropical Gastro (article in press).
- Prevalence and patterns of diverticulosis undergoing colonoscopy in a southern Indian hospital- Kamlaesh NP, Prakash K, Pramil K, Sylesh A, Prakash Zacharias, Ramesh GN, Mathew Philip. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 08/2012; DOI:10.1007/s12664-012-0222.
- Primary posterior perineal herniation of urinary bladder. Prakash K, Kamalesh NP. J Min Access Surg 2013;9:126-7.
24 . Does case selection and outcome following laparoscopic colorectal resection change after initial learning curve? Analysis of 235 consecutive elective laparoscopic colorectal resections. Prakash K, Kamalesh NP, Pramil K, Vipin IS, Sylesh A, Jacob M. J Min Access Surg 2013;9:99-103.