There are lots of rare diseases occurring due to a hectic lifestyle and bad eating habits. Achalasia is one of the rare diseases which occurs in the muscles of the esophagus(food pipe). Esophagus is responsible for pushing food downwards, and a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter(LES) opens during the swallowing process.

Normally while swallowing or food intake, the LES opens up and closes after the food is swallowed. But in the case of patients suffering from Achalasia, there is a failure of the LES to open and close and let the food pass into the stomach. Due to this complication, it is difficult to swallow food. Due to this, it would result in ineffective peristalsis of esophageal muscles. The rare diseases Achalasia Cardia is divided into three parts, i.e., Type I, II, & III. For these types of medical condition, Dr. Prakash provides you the best treatment.

What are the Common Symptoms of Achalasia?

The symptoms of Achalasia are listed below:-

(1.) Discomfort in the chest

(2.) Loss of weight

(3.) Difficulty in swallowing solid foods and even liquids

(4.) Regurgitation of food and liquids

(5.) Respiratory infection and change in voice.

(6.) Recurrent cough due to the regurgitation of food and aspiration.

Diagnosis for Achalasia Cardia

There are various medical techniques to detect diseases. It can easily be detected clinically and confirmed by following tests mentioned below:-

(1.) Endoscopy: It is a tight esophageal sphincter and pooling of secretions and food in the esophagus.

(2.) High-Resolution manometry: It is a gold standard in diagnosis which demonstrates ineffective esophageal peristalsis and failure of relaxation of LES and high LES pressure.

(3.) Barium Swallow: Dilated esophagus with smooth tampering and lower esophagus.

Treatment for Achalasia Cardia

(1.) Oral Medications: The medication for the diseases has got the very little effect on the patients.

(2.) Stretching of the lower esophageal sphincter (balloon dilation): In this treatment, there is a use of a balloon to stretch the LES. For long-lasting relief, the patients need to go through the repeated process. But in this risk of esophageal rupture.

(3.) Undergo surgery to remove the high pressure in the Sphincter (esophagostomy): This is a process carried out laparoscopically known as Laparoscopic Hellers Cardiomyotomy.

(4.) Endoscopic myotomy of POEM procedure where myotomy is conducted with the help of an endoscope. This is an evolving process and can deliver long term results.

(5.) The injection of the botulinum toxins into the sphincter.

Laparoscopic Hellers Cardiomyotomy

This process is a gold standard in the treatment of achalasia cardia. During this process, the lower end of the esophagus is split, helping the patient to get immediate relief. The patients need to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days giving a long-lasting relief in the symptoms. This is the best treatment process that is ideal for young patients as well as for those with long-standing symptoms.

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